Best solution is probably to go with the instructions at:
composer require drupal/libraries bower-asset/jquery-simple-color bower-asset/spectrum
Install site.
How to build drupal commerce on top of drupal 8 with demo content (…):
composer require drupal/commerce
composer require drupal/commerce_demo
composer require drupal/belgrade
composer require drupal/commerce_shipping
composer require drupal/commerce_cart_flyout
composer require drupal/commerce_cart_api
composer require drupal/swiftmailer
composer require drupal/admin_toolbar
git clone web/profiles/demo_commerce
My full drush:
drush en admin_toolbar admin_toolbar_search admin_toolbar_tools antibot blazy blazy_ui captcha colorbox commerce commerce_cart commerce_checkout commerce_log commerce_number_pattern commerce_order commerce_payment commerce_payment_example commerce_price commerce_product commerce_cart_api commerce_cart_flyout commerce_demo commerce_pricelist commerce_shipping ctools ctools_block ctools_views ds google_analytics imagemagick lazy libraries mailsystem pathauto pathologic profile redirect swiftmailer xmlsitemap xmlsitemap_engines